Digital Passport

Brand Activation
Corporate Events
Trade Shows and Exhibits

Keep track of attendee participation effortlessly with our Digital Passport service. Using a unique QR code, attendees can check in at various booths and engagements throughout your event. This provides seamless tracking and valuable insights into attendee interactions, enhancing the overall event experience.

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How could

Digital Passport
help your event?

Efficient Data Collection and Analysis

Utilize advanced systems to gather and analyze detailed attendee information efficiently, providing valuable insights for future planning and targeted marketing.

Improved Event Logistics

Manage attendee movements and access control, reduce wait times and simplify attendee management, and ensure a seamless start and smooth flow throughout the event.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Offer adaptable solutions that fit various themes, objectives, and audience needs, ensuring the technology enhances the specific goals of the event.

Real-Time Feedback and Improvement

Gather and analyze attendee input in real-time, allowing for on-the-fly adjustments and continuous improvements to meet and exceed attendee expectations.

What will you get with our

Digital Passport

Branded Microsite


Attendee Progress Viewing

Scanner App to update the attendee progress

Do more with our

Digital Passport


Photo booth

Any Digital Engagements


experience by integrating these services